Developing Social TV Content for 50,000 Weekly Active Users


Spot411 Technologies Inc. AKA TVplus was an Orange, California based Social TV startup company that produced white label social television applications utilized by major broadcast networks like FOX, CBS, Discovery, A&E, The CW, Univision, and The CBC. The applications contained unique show content, in-app voting capabilities, and interactive engagement.


As Senior Content Producer, my role was to develop written and digital content, coordinate with designers, stakeholders, creative executives, and productions staff to place assets in a proprietary CMS, manage QA, publish content for a live broadcast audience, and ensure that the user experience was seamless and engaging.


In the early 2010's the proliferation of smart phones and increased social media usage was pulling viewers away from television shows they were viewing during commercial breaks. As advertisers began to take note of this new phenomenon, broadcast networks began to explore creative solutions to keep consumers of content engaged in the shows they were watching from the mobile devices that had seemingly become a distraction from commercial breaks.


The white label application produced by TVplus allowed for production and delivery of uniquely branded digital content that users could access via an application they could download in the Apple Store. Users could follow along and learn fun facts about characters, contestants, and show content. There were unique images, trivia, factoids, quizzes, and in-app voting for contestant based programming that were made to keep users engaged throughout the show. The application was customizable and could be rebranded to suite the needs of different programming content.

As the Senior Content Producer it was my role to research, develop, and design many of these digital content pieces. On some shows, I partnered with Staff Writers and Creatives to expand the volume of content produced for individual shows. I utilized proprietary analytics to understand the views and click through rates of various pieces of content to develop stronger creative content for future programming.

Screenshots: American Idol

The opening screen for the American Idol Social TV Application.
Opening screen for the American Idol Social TV Application.
The American Idol Social TV Application welcome screen.
American Idol Social TV Application welcome screen.
An example of a live fan poll broadcast during the show.
An example of a live fan poll broadcast during the show.
A vote now reminder screen encouraging users to participate in online voting.
A vote now reminder screen encouraging users to participate in online voting.
The end of show screen encouraging voting and displaying sponsorship.
The end of show screen encouraging voting and displaying sponsorship.

Screenshots: The X Factor

The X Factor App opening screen.
The X Factor App opening screen.
An example of a factoid used to communicate information to users.
An example of a factoid used to communicate information to users.
A fun fact example of original content for users.
A fun fact example of original content for users.
A fan poll example showing live in app voting capability.
A fan poll example showing live in app voting capability.

Screenshots: Storage Wars

The opening screen of storage wars with unique written content.
The opening screen of storage wars with unique written content for users.
An example content peice for users of the application.
An example content peice for users of the application.
ROriginal content example of users of the application following along with the show.
Original content example of users of the application following along with the show.
A guess the final bid quiz for users to estimate what the locker would sell for.
A guess the final bid quiz for users to estimate what the locker would sell for.
A facebook like content piece that allowed users to like the show on their facebook accounts.
A facebook like content piece that allowed users to like the show on their facebook accounts.

Screenshots: Mythbusters

A fun fact content piece for the Mythbusters Social TV application.
A fun fact content piece for the Mythbusters Social TV application.
A live poll example for users to follow along with during the show.
A live poll example for users to follow along with during the show.
An example shop content piece which connected users with the Mythbusters online store.
An example shop content piece which connected users with the Mythbusters online store.
A fun fact content piece that synced with what was happening on the show.
A fun fact content piece that synced with what was happening on the show.